Who did you become in 2017?

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  5. Who did you become in 2017?

Everyone is rushed off their feet at this time of the year and the deadline everybody is racing for is Christmas and the long-awaited days off.  The days are filled with to dos and most people have made no time to reflect and recheck.  In fact, the bigger question is, how much time did you spend reflecting this year?

Reflecting on:

  • the choices you made….
  • how to grow yourself….
  • how to change your negative behaviours that don’t serve you well…..
  • your health and your choices….
  • what made you happy and unhappy
  • your goals and achievement of them
  • are you heading where you want to be in life….

There is so much that you can reflect on, which is necessary if you want to be in the driver’s seat of your life and the outcomes.  And I know we’d all like more positive outcomes!

So, with 2017 coming to an end, it’s time to reflect on what worked for you and didn’t work for you.  Download the Reflection Sheet here and spend some time in your Christmas break deciding what you’d like to have more of and less of in 2018. Think of everything that made 2017 successful, big or small, and also acknowledge the things that let you down.  Take full responsibility and look for the opportunities to create positive change.

Enjoy your Christmas and New Year, be grateful for what you have, take responsibility for who you are being and most of all be present and enjoy the moment, because in these moments are where we find happiness. Remember we need to reflect and be proactive on a regular basis as this helps guide and develop us on how to unlock our greater potential.

Let’s get in touch and work together to make the change impactful, or you can visit our website to find out more!

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