6 Strategies for Mastering Parenthood and Work Balancing!

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Feel like a circus performer, juggling a multitude of balls?

The Balancing Act of being a parent with the demands of work and home!

Parenthood is a hugely fulfilling experience, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges.

You strive to provide & be the best for your children while also pursuing your professional aspirations.

Balancing the demands of parenting and work can be a daunting task, and at times feels completely out of control!  You’re not alone – but don’t try to do it all – because that only ends up with frustration, disappointment, burn out, and no real fulfillment in any area of your life!

And long term – that just makes you feel like a hamster on the daily wheel just doing life! Unfulfilled, squeezed, dis connected and exhausted.

6 Strategies for Mastering Parenthood and Work Balancing


With a few strategies and a growth mindset, it’s possible to find harmony and success in both areas of our lives, but don’t expect it every week!  But it takes a rethink, some boundaries and a reset of trying to be super man or woman!

Here are some of my tips and tricks to help you juggle parenting and work with grace.

1. Embrace Flexibility

One of the key ingredients to successfully juggling is flexibility. Recognize that both parenting and work require your time and attention, and be open to adjusting your schedule as needed. Embracing flexibility allows you to accommodate the unexpected and adapt to the evolving needs of your family and career.  Things happen!  Just go with it and do the best you can.

2. Set Realistic Expectations

Trying to be a perfect parent and a perfect employee/business owner can lead to unnecessary stress and disappointment.  Understand that you may not be able to give 100% in every aspect of your life all the time, and that’s okay. Prioritize what truly matters (figure this one out though!), both at home and at work, and give yourself permission to let go of perfectionism.

3. Communication is key

Talk openly with your partner, family members, and colleagues about your responsibilities and commitments. Let your employer know about your parental obligations, and discuss potential flexibility options that can help you maintain a healthy work-life balance. Open & honest  communication will foster understanding and support from everybody involved.


6 Strategies for Mastering Parenthood and Work Balancing

4. Create Boundaries

To prevent parenting burnout, it’s essential to establish clear boundaries between work and family time. Set aside dedicated periods of quality time for your children. During work hours, minimize distractions and focus on your tasks – make your work hours as productive as possible.

And of course when you’re with your children, be fully present and engage in activities that strengthen your bond – phone away out of reach, connect with heart – your children want to know that they matter and have your full attention.

5. Practice Self-Care

Remember that taking care of yourself is crucial in order to effectively manage the demands of parenting and work. Carve out time for self-care activities that rejuvenate and energize you. Whether it’s exercising, reading, or simply having some alone time, make self-care a priority – you will show up as good as the self care you give yourself! . By nourishing your physical and mental well-being, you’ll be better equipped to handle the challenges that come your way.

6. Delegate and Seek Support

Don’t hesitate to delegate tasks at work and home whenever possible. Discuss workload distribution with your team members or co-workers, allowing you to focus on essential responsibilities. At home, involve your partner, if applicable, and assign age-appropriate tasks to your children – explain that if they help out you have more quality time with them. Seeking support from family, and friends, or hiring a trusted babysitter can provide much-needed relief and help you feel less pulled in 20 directions.


Remember, no one is perfect, and it’s okay to ask for help when needed. By mastering the art of balancing parenthood and work, you can create a fulfilling and harmonious life for both you and your family.

Remember to set realistic expectations, manage your time wisely, communicate openly, prioritize self-care, and explore flexible work arrangements.

Juggling parenting and work can be a delicate dance, but remember, you’re here to live and enjoy life not just do life!  Your children want to feel & experience your love, feel connection and see that they matter in your world.  And to do that means re-working what’s not working – it can be done!

And if you feel you need help to reimagine how you’re doing it or help to get off the hamster wheel – then you know I’m here to help!

Let’s get in touch and work together to make the change impactful, or you can visit our website to find out more!

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